Which drugs are being treated patients with bipolar affective disorder in Colombia


  • Jorge Enrique Machado-Alba Grupo de Investigación en Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-Audifarma SA. Pereira, Colombia. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8455-0936
  • Alejandra Fonseca Grupo de Investigación en Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-Audifarma SA. Pereira, Colombia. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4906-5046
  • Manuel E Machado-Duque Grupo de Investigación en Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-Audifarma SA. Pereira, Colombia. Grupo Biomedicina, Fundación Universitaria Autónoma de las Américas, Pereira, Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8458-0986
  • Viviana Calderón Grupo de Investigación en Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-Audifarma SA. Pereira, Colombia. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3646-3309




Bipolar disorder, Lithium Carbonate, Psychotic disorders, Antipsychotic agents, Pharmacoepidemiology


Introduction: Bipolar disorder (BP) is a serious psychiatric condition characterized by progressive changes in social and cognitive functions. Objective: To determine which medications are being used to treat a group of patients diagnosed with BP who receive treatment from the Colombian Health System. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study to identify medication prescriptions of outpatients (regardless of their age) using a population database. Sociodemographic, clinical, and pharmacological variables were considered, searching for medications that are both approved and not approved by regulatory agencies. Results: 1,334 patients were identified, who had a mean age of 40.2±18.5 years, 50% of which were women. A total of 809 (60.6%) patients followed monotherapy, mainly using valproic acid (286/615 patients, 46.4%), quetiapine (259/525, 49.3%), and lithium carbonate (98/275, 35.6%). The most common combination of medications to treat these patients were valproic acid combined with quetiapine (n=162, 12.1%), valproic acid combined with risperidone (n=73, 5.5%), and lithium carbonate combined with quetiapine (n=62, 4,6%). 57.4% (n=766) of patients had prescriptions with non-approved medications. Conclusions: BP patients are mostly treated with monotherapy and more than half of them received drugs that are not approved.


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How to Cite

Machado-Alba JE, Fonseca A, Machado-Duque ME, Calderón V. Which drugs are being treated patients with bipolar affective disorder in Colombia. Univ. Salud [Internet]. 2023Jun.26 [cited 2024Jul.22];25(2):27-32. Available from: https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/usalud/article/view/6512



Social determinants of health