About the Journal

Themes and Scope

The Revista de Ciencias Agrícolas is a recognized means of divulgation and distribution of scientific and technological research nationwide and abroad, quarterly publishes original articles written in English, on topics related to Agricultural Sciences, which present in detail results of research in agriculture, forestry, agricultural biotechnology and food which are subject to the assessment process by nationals and foreign peers, and to review and approval by the Editorial Committee of the magazine. The Revista does not charge by the submission or any phase of editorial process. 


Peer review process

Once the manuscript meets the standards, it will be subjected to a double-blind evaluation process, assigning two national or international academic peers different from the University of Nariño, experts and qualified in the area, with extensive experience. To be approved, the manuscript must be rated with a score equal to or greater than 70 points. 

Subsequently, the texts must be adjusted according to the recommendations made by the peers in the time stipulated by the editor. Finally, the Editorial Committee verifies the fulfillment of the observations to define their publication.


Peer Reviewers Guidelines 

The process for evaluating a paper will be the following:



To determine if the title is suitable, complete, and consistent with the article content.



Summary and Keywords

To verify that the summary has all the elements of the article such as introduction, goals, method, results, and conclusion which presents the most relevant information. The descriptors mentioned in the keywords are representative of the manuscript.




To verify if the authors have made a comprehensive analysis based on pertinent information (maximum 20% of the length of the article), as well as to confirm if the problem to be solved is clear contextualized and justified for carrying out the proposed research. Also, to determine if the objectives are related to the methodology and results.



Materials and methods

To determine if the method used is adequate, focused and complete so that it can be reproduced.



Results and discussion

To determine that the results are important to the subject, presented in a clear and concrete way by meeting the aims and the methods used. Also, to decide if the discussion is exhaustive, keep a logical sequence with the results, and allows to make thorough statements.



To verify that the conclusions are coherent with the proposed thesis and goals.




To determine if the literature review mentioned in the introduction is enough, pertinent, updated and follows the Revista de Ciencias Agrícolas standards.


Publication frecuency

The reception of articles is permanently, and the Revista is published each quarter.


Open Access Policy

The Revista de Ciencias Agricolas provides its publications freely accessible through “Open Journal Systems”, under the principle of allowing access to the scientific community and readers in general, research results, which encourages greater global knowledge exchange. 



The Revista uses the Institutional System of Digital Resources (SIRED) in open access of the University of Nariño, which aims to collect, manage, preserve and disseminate its scientific production. This is carried out through standardized international protocols that guarantee their indexing in the main search engines and in the National Open Access to Knowledge System (SNAAC).


Conflict of interest

The conflict of interest statement guarantees the credibility, confidence and transparency of the scientific process that concludes with its publication in specialized scientific journals, after peer review.

There will be a conflict of interest in cases in which the validity and integrity of an investigation is influenced by a so-called secondary interest, such as with an economic benefit, with an ideological position or with other interests of a personal or professional nature.

The authors of scientific considered for publication, have the responsibility to inform about the economic, ideological, personal, and professional relationships that could give rise to a conflict of interest. The same thing applies to all the people in charge of the review.

When there is no conflict of interest, this situation should be explicit in the "Declaration of non-conflict of interest", setting up, on behalf of the correspondent author, that there is no such conflict.


Statement of ethics and best editorial practices

The Revista applies best editorial practices in all its process and subscribes the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (http://publicationethics.org/) in order to guarantee the quality of the scientific research and academic papers. All of it in a context of transparency, integrity and full compliance with the ethical principles applicable to research. Thus, the Revista Committee will look for a referent that support an editorial ethic policy that avoid non desirable situations such as interest conflicts, plagiarism, copy rights vulnerability, and other negative aspects that threat against the name of the Revista de Ciencias Agricolas. 

The author is responsible for verifying if the submitted material is subject to intellectual property rights, for example, photographs, illustrations, and data.

The manuscript should not have been submitted to more than one journal for simultaneous consideration. The manuscript must not have been previously published in part or in its totality, unless it refers to an expansion of a previous work, avoiding reuse of this material (“auto-plagiarism”).

Corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies should be sent to the editorial committee with its respective justification signed by all authors. The Editorial Committee will determine whether it is appropriate to accept.

Furthermore the author will provide the authorization from other magazines to publish figures, maps, and photographs.

The author (s) agree to assign the rights to printing and reprinting the material published in the Revista de Ciencias Agricolas.

Therefore, the Editor and the editorial committee responsible for the publication of the Revista shall, in all cases, according to the criteria of the BEP, will send to reviewers and authors, the feedback taking into account the criteria previously mentioned.


Policy of Confidentiality and Plagiarism 

All authors must guarantee the Revista de Ciencias Agrícolas that their articles are original and that they have not been published elsewhere, in other languages or by any other means of publication, used research or the results of research by other authors and that their articles have been cited properly.

The authors must apply good practices of scientific publication and avoid scientific fraud in all or part of the research information, falsification and manipulation of data, lack of ethics by fictitious authorship and exchange of co-authorships, duplicate publication of both a fraction of the article as of its totality in different Journals, self-plagiarism when repeating parts of previous publications, omission of appointments, copy of appointments without consultation and the excess of self-citations, among others. The Revista de Ciencias Agrícolas reserves the right to verify the origin of each article.

The Revista will follow and apply the laws and conventions on current copyright. The material used in the articles (i.e. tables, figures, maps, or fragments of paragraphs) must be reproduced only with the certified permission of their authors, citing their gratitude.

The copyright of the articles and illustrations published in the Revista de Ciencias Agrícolas are the property of the Revista. The editors authorize the reproduction and citation of the content of the articles, provided that the name of the Journal, name (s) of the author (s), year, title of the article, are properly quoted, volume, number and page (s) of the article consulted. To reproduce paragraphs, figures and maps, owner permission is required.

The authors have the following rights: the evaluations made to their articles will be fair and impartial, the review will be done by experts in the subject and in a reasonable time, the confidentiality will be maintained, the suggestions of changes and corrections will be clear and explicit according to the concepts of the evaluators. The original article will always remain unchanged.



All articles and documents published in the journal are governed by the terms of the Creative Commons License (non-commercial recognition), which can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. The Revista allows the generation of derivative works if it is not used for commercial purposes. The original work cannot be used for commercial purposes.

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