Scientific skills development through the application of alternative teaching strategies. An approach through the teaching of the natural sciences
Research, scientific competencies, performance indicators, alternative strategies, knowledge constructionsAbstract
This article is a presentation of the research entitled: the development of scientific competences in public educational institutions in the Andean region of the Department of Nariño 2010-2011. Through the application of alternative teaching strategies[1] conducted by the GIDEP group[2] of the Faculty of Education of the University of Nariño, the purpose of the research was to establish in each of the developed scientific competencies the level of performance achieved by students in the fifth and sixth grade levels. The research presents the results obtained in each of the scientific skills along with the variation in results due to teaching strategies considered to be alternative, conditions contained in each of the strategies: the active participation of students in the construction of knowledge, taking as a starting point the questions of the inquiry and resulting in the expression of the students findings; in the same way the research points to aspects inherent in the actions of the teachers.
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