Propuesta didáctica mediada por recursos digitales educativos que promueva el uso del pensamiento algorítmico


  • Camilo Andrés Parra Licenciado en Informática.
  • Michael Steven Delgado Melo Licenciado en Informática. Profesor tiempo completo Colegio San Francisco Javier


This document is the result of a project and research that refers to the fifth grade of primary school of the Institution San José Bethlemitas with the purpose of to design a didactic proposal focused to promote the use of the algorithmic thought in these students.

The research is based on the methodology of on George Polya's problem solving methodology, which included four stages called "Understanding the problem", "Setting up the plan", "Running the plan" and finally "Looking back ".

For the collection of the initial data the instrument of measurement of the computational thought elaborated by the Mg was applied. Juan Carlos López from the University of Icesi.

The activities were carried out using scratch software 2.0 and the code time of the website. During this execution, both students and teachers of the area observed a great interest and motivation towards them, which is of great help for future research related to this subject.

For the collection of data in the last phase of the project, the application of the instrument mentioned above was carried out again, which resulted in a comparison between the initial and final phases.

It was possible to quantitatively demonstrate a significant positive change in the performance of the students of the experimental group with 95% confidence, pointing out the importance and relevance of the use of digital educational resources through a didactic sequence in the teaching task of the computer technology area.



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How to Cite

Andrés Parra, C., & Delgado Melo, M. S. (2019). Propuesta didáctica mediada por recursos digitales educativos que promueva el uso del pensamiento algorítmico. Revista Universitaria De Informática RUNIN, 4(7), 31–49. Retrieved from



Artículos de investigación