Formación por proyectos: el proyecto pedagógico disciplinar, una estrategia didáctica y evaluativa


  • Magda Josefina Cabrera Arteaga Candidata a Magíster en Docencia. Diplomada en Plan de Negocios. Administradora de Empresas. Nariño. Pasto- Colombia
  • Nallivy Omaira Melo Cabrera Candidata a Magíster en Docencia. Especialista en Didáctica de la Matemática. Licenciada en Matemáticas. Docente Investigadora Institución Educativa San Francisco de Asís. Nariño. Linares- Colombia
  • Álvaro Javier Burbano Torres Candidato a Magíster en Docencia. Especialista en Gerencia y Auditoria de la Calidad de la Salud. Contador Público. Docente Investigador Programa Contaduría Pública Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Institución Universitaria CESMAG. Fundador y Director Ejecutivo de la Fundación Centro de Investigación y Consultoría Integral en Salud. Nariño. Pasto- Colombia


Pedagogic, Evaluation, Project, Formation, Ivestigation and (to) discipline


High education in Colombia takes part in a new stage of teaching - learning - evaluation,
which has the purpose of improving the academic performance and the professional
practice and evaluation’s of teachers and students. The economic and social
transformations propose challenges that question deeply the joint between the formal
education and the world of the work. From the preceding it stems a problematic that
dominates this question: the work organization transformation and the labour relations,
with its requirements of flexibility and competition to solve situations of uncertainty;
high education must answer with new strategies to these requirements. Consequently, the
education and the formation cannot solve the problem alone. They must be articulated
by the economic policies in order to the new society of knowledge and evaluation’s is
inserted equitably in the regional economy. Therefore, it is significant the importance
that thinking over has on the doing in the classroom, the relation teacher - educator, the
process teaching - learning - evaluation, seen these ones from the formation for projects
to the high education. This simple observation leads that innovations in the education do
not give themselves consolidated, but that they are reflected in similar transformations
in the evaluation.


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How to Cite

Cabrera Arteaga MJ, Melo Cabrera NO, Burbano Torres Álvaro J. Formación por proyectos: el proyecto pedagógico disciplinar, una estrategia didáctica y evaluativa. Univ. Salud [Internet]. 2007Dec.30 [cited 2024Jul.22];2(9). Available from:

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