Comprehensive dental management of patients with a history of cerebral stroke. Report of a case




Heart diseases, Stroke, Mouth rehabilitation, Dental implants


Introduction: Stroke are a set of pathologies which affect the blood vessels that supply the blood to the brain causing an alteration of the function of a certain region. The group of pathologies are popularly known as embolisms or strokes and are suddenly manifested. These disorders have in common their abrupt presentation and usually affect older people; although, they can also be presented in youth. Objective: To introduce to health professionals the implications and consequences that should be taken in the habitual dental practice and at the time of using treatments such as fixed prosthetic rehabilitation or the placement of dental implants in patients with heart disease, in order to avoid accidents and prevent postoperative hemorrhages. Results: Satisfactory esthetic and functional results were obtained in the surgical and oral rehabilitation treatments carried out to the patient. Conclusions: Due to the risk of stroke, the patients are usually subjected to antiplatelet therapy, whose side effect is the tendency to bleed. Therefore, it is important to carry out a multidisciplinary management with the specialist doctor when using surgical treatments in this type of patients in order to avoid complications and obtain adequate results.


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Author Biography

Maria Alejandra Puerta-Domínguez, Joven Investigadora, Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia.

Maria Alejandra Puerta Dominguez

odontologa universidad de cartagena investigadora del grupo de investigacion GITOUC ( grupo interdisciplinario de investigaciones y tratamientos odontologicos) de la facultad de odontologia de la universidad de cartagena


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How to Cite

Puerta-Domínguez MA, Manzur-Villalobos I, Llera-Ladera AI, Rodríguez-Casanovas HJ, Díaz-Caballero A. Comprehensive dental management of patients with a history of cerebral stroke. Report of a case. Univ. Salud [Internet]. 2018Aug.31 [cited 2024Jul.3];20(3):312-7. Available from:



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