Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.Author Guidelines
Below are the procedures adopted by the Journal History of Colombian Education in the Editorial Management process and the publication of articles:
1. Scope of the Magazine
2. Periodicity and frequency of publication
3. Code of ethics for authors
4. Process of Evaluation by pairs
5. Parameters of article delivery and Citation Rules
The Revista Historia de la Educación Colombiana –RHEC– is an annual publication, edited and endorsed by the University of Nariño, the History, Education and Development Research Group-HISED and the Doctorate in Education Sciences of the Network of State Universities of Colombia RUDECOLOMBIA, as a means of disseminating the progress and results obtained by researchers in the area of Educational History. The purpose of the RHEC is to disseminate the results of research and intellectual production in the field of Education, at different historical moments, carried out by researchers and the academic community at a national and international level. This publication, due to its connection with the doctoral program, is a means of disseminating high-quality academic studies on topics related to education: philosophy and educational policies, education sciences, pedagogy, curriculum, university history, methods of teaching, schools and currents, actors and characters linked to educational processes, daily life, New Technologies of Information and Communication, etc. It is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, historians, administrators, professors, researchers and the academic community in the area of the History of Education and the sciences of education, for what constitutes a space for academic and scientific reflection on related topics with the social sciences, the humanities and the history of education. The RHEC publishes original articles, results of research in any field of education which are distributed in the articles section of the Journal; those articles are reviewed with the purpose of divulging academic and intellectual production with a critical vision. Articles linked to research processes are accepted to be submitted for review by the Editorial Committee and are evaluated by two external researchers; articles must be mainly the result of research.
Classification of articles: a. Scientific research article. The document must present in a detailed, clear and truthful manner the original results of completed research projects. Structure: introduction, methodology, problem statement, results, conclusions and bibliographical references. b. Reflection Article. The document must present the results of an investigation from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. It is characterized by the analysis, the discussion of ideas and the argumentation of the author. Structure: introduction, methodology, approach to the problem, development, conclusions and bibliographical references. c. Review article. It is a result of a research document that analyzes, systematizes and integrates the results of published or unpublished research, in order to account for research advances and trends or suggest future work. It must be characterized by presenting a careful and extensive bibliographic review of at least 52 bibliographical references. Structure: introduction, approach to the subject, bibliographic recovery, trends in the field of knowledge, conclusions and bibliographical references. d. Book Review: Description or summary of a book published in the last year, giving a panoramic and critical view of it.
The journal has an annual periodicity (January-December). The articles are received taking into account the dates established in the calls.
The Colombian History of Education Journal adopts the "Guide to Good Practices for Open Access Academic Journals" ( and the recommendations of COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics), for which the authors must take into account the following aspects: Corroborate that the manuscript sent to the Colombian History of Education Journal complies with internationally accepted ethical standards. All articles submitted for publication in the journal should be reviewed exhaustively by the authors, respecting the parameters and norms established by the journal. Articles derived from research carried out with other people, institutions or organizations must have the corresponding authorizations, which should be sent with the postulated article. Inform the journal about the funding of the investigation, if applicable, and the name of the project from which the investigation is derived; additionally, academic and correspondence information (See publication request form: article and author information). Declare that the article proposed to be published is original, the result of a research process, that it is not published, nor it is in the process of evaluation for publication in another journal or other electronic media (See publication request form: originality statement and cession of copyright). Communicate immediately to the editor in case of identifying any error in the article.
The published articles are subject to a peer evaluation process with the participation of national or international external evaluators. The works are subject to a first review by the Editorial Committee to determine if they meet the requirements established in the delivery parameters of the article, citation rules and if they correspond to the thematic scope of the journal. If they pass that first revision, the manuscripts are sent to the evaluation of two external peers, experts in the subject, through the "double blind system", who send their concept to the Editorial Committee according to the evaluation format. In case of discrepancy, the Editor may request the review of a third evaluator. The evaluators are external to the Publishing Entity and the Editorial Committee. Its evaluation is decisive for making decisions about the publication without changes, the acceptance with adjustments and a new revision to accept or reject the article. The result of the evaluations is communicated to the author, either approved without changes, approved with modifications, approved with modifications and new revision or rejected. When the concepts are positive, adjustments and observations are sent to the author who must perform them within a maximum period of 15 calendar days, the article is rejected if it is not delivered on the established dates or when it is not adjusted according to the observations made by the evaluators. Once the article has been published, the author will receive two (2) printed copies of the Journal corresponding to the number where the article was published; In the same way, the evaluators will receive one (1) copy of the number in which they participated and are part of the Scientific Arbitration Committee.
Parameters of delivery of the article Submissions will be made by email and / or through the Open Journal System OJS system, for this the author must register and make the submission through: When submitting the article, the author must attach the publication request form duly complemented with the following information:
• Article information: title of the article, the nature of the article: research article, reflection article, review article or book review, clearly define the structure as the case may be, title of the research project associated with the article, funding entity if there is one, start date and end of the investigation.
• Author information: Name, academic background, current position, institutional affiliation, email, research group to which it belongs, research lines, latest publications, domiciliary data or place of correspondence (complete).• Statement that the article has not been submitted to other journals or publications for evaluation.• Originality Declaration and Transfer of Copyrights. The article must be submitted in Word format, Times New Roman, size 12, without the name of the author, the length of the article must be between 30,000 and 50,000 characters, including title, abstract, tables, tables and bibliography. To emphasize words or texts will be used exclusively italic, not bold or underlined. The article must contain: Title, Analytical Summary, Keywords, Introduction, Subchapters, Conclusions or recommendations, sources (when the article requires them) and bibliography. The title: should refer aspects of the content of the article and a maximum length of 20 words without abbreviations or formulas. Analytical Summary: must clearly indicate: hypothesis, objective, methodology or characterization of the type of work performed, results or ideas discussed and conclusions. With an extension between 150 and 250 words, in Spanish and English. Keywords: between 3 and 5 keywords that define the main ideas of the article. The keywords are selected from the descriptors in human and social sciences according to the UNESCO Thesauri, must be presented in Spanish and English. Introduction: must include the methodology used in the development of the investigation. Subchapters: the subtitles that are included must be listed (1,2,3 ...). Footnotes in the same font, size 10. In the body of the work you can include diagrams, photographs, graphics or any other illustrative material, and you must attach the images in a separate file, in JPEG format, for later layout. In the article they should appear in the exact place where they will appear in the published article. For the footnotes of the graphs the asterisks (*) should be used. Conclusions or recommendations: they should recapitulate the contributions to knowledge emphasizing the relevance and projection of the advances of the research for the academic and scientific community. Bibliography: the bibliography cited in the text must go to the end of the article. The bibliography should be presented in alphabetical order. When there are bibliographic references of the same author and different years, they are presented in chronological order starting with the last publication. When the book is from the same author and from the same year they are identified with a) and b). If the article has primary sources (archival sources, newspapers, etc.) they should be located first than the bibliographic references. If it is an article of a paper and it was NOT PUBLISHED, it will be indicated in a footnote. Reviews: Book reviews must be from texts published in the last year and must have an extension between 4,000 and 5,000 characters, including title. The cover of the book or magazine must be included and a physical copy of the text to be reviewed must be attached.
Citation rules The magazine Historia de la Educación Colombiana uses the citation form of the "Chicago manual of style", in its edition N ° 15 and version "humanities style". They distinguish footnotes, abbreviated notes and bibliography (bibliographic and documentary references)
1. Footnotes Books From a single author:Name Surname (s), Complete title (City of edition: name of publisher, year of publication), page.Germán Arciniegas, América Tierra Firme. (Bogotá: Plaza & Janes, 1982), 87.
Two authors:Name Last Name (s) and First Names Last Name (s), Full Title (City of edition: name of publisher, year of publication), page.David Middleton and Edwards Derek, Shared Memory. The social nature of memory and forgetting (Barcelona: Paidós, 1992), 23-24.
Four or more authors:Name Surname (s) et al., Full title (City of edition: name of publisher, year of publication), page.Mireya Uscátegui et al., Curriculum history Industrial design (1994-2006) University of Nariño (San Juan de Pasto: University of Nariño, 2012), 21.
Books with corporate author.First name. Full title (City of edition: name of publisher, year of publication) Crafts of Colombia. Crafts: Colombian handicrafts (Bogotá: I / M Editores Ltda. 2005)
Articles Article in Book:Name Surname (s) of the author of the article, "Title of the article", Preposition "in:" Complete title of the book, eds. Name Last name (s) of the author of the book (City of edition: name of the publisher, year of publication) page. Alejo Carpentier, "Latin America in the influence of historical coordinates and its impact on music". in: Latin America in their music, eds. Isabel Aretz (Mexico: UNESCO and Siglo XXI, 1977). 7-19.
Article in magazine:Name Surname (s), "Title of the article", Title of the journal, vol. No. (year): page.Leopoldo Zea, "The balance of the world and José Martí", Cuadernos Americanos. New era Vol. 3. No. 99, (2003): 32-34.
Article in Press:Name surname). "Title of the article", Title of the newspaper, City, day, month, year, page.Jorge Buendía "Pedagogical Orientations", The Right, San Juan de Pasto, 21, August, 1928, 2.
ThesisName Surname (s), "Thesis title". Undergraduate thesis / Masters / Doctorate in, University, year. Page.Gabriela Hernández Vega, "Feminist research strategies of political power: gender, race and violence". Doctoral Thesis in Doctorate at Pablo de Olavide University, 2008. 15.
Archive Source"Title of the document" (place and date, if applicable) in acronyms of the file, section, background, vol./leg/t. F. or ff. The full name of the file and the abbreviation in parentheses are cited the first time."Sombrero industry, fur industry" (Colombia), Municipal Institute Historical Archive of Pasto (I.M.A.H.P.), grass province, f.33.
InterviewInterview with Surname (s), Name, City, full date.Interview with Pérez, Juan, Bogotá, July 1, 2008.
Publications on the internetName surname). Full title (City: Editorial, year), DOI information or URL (date of consultation)Fernando Ortiz Cuban contrapunteo of tobacco and sugar (Caracas: Ilustrada, 1987), http: // Id = cfFyshOsPXcC & printsec = frontcover & dq = Counterpoint + Cuban + tobacco + and + sugar + ei = GcpUS5C3HZ7ozATTqoifCw & cd = 1 # v = onepage & q = & f = false. (May 2, 2008).
2. Abbreviated note In the chicago citation style, Latin expressions are not used (op.cit; id; idem., Ibid., Ibid.). In this case, successive notes from the same source are adapted to:
BooksFrom a single author:Surname, "Title of the book", page number.Arciniegas, "America tierra firme", 87. From two or three authors: Last name (s) and last name (s), summary title, page number.Middleton and Derek, Shared memory. The social nature of memory, 23-24.
3. Bibliography Books From a single author:Surname name. Full title City: Editorial, Year.Arciniegas, Germán. America Tierra Firme. Bogotá: Plaza & Janes, 1982.
Two authors:Surname (s), Name, and Surname (s), Name. Full title City: Editorial, year.Middleton David and Derek Edwards, Shared Memory. The social nature of remembering and forgetting. Barcelona: Paidós, 1992.
Four or more authors:Last name (s), First name, Last name (s), First name, Last name (s), First name, Last name (s), First name. Full title City: Editorial, year.Uscátegui, Mireya, Escandón, Guillermo and Polo, Elizabeth. Curricular history Industrial Design (1994-2006) University of Nariño. San Juan de Pasto: University of Nariño, 2012.
Articles Article in book:Surname name. "Article title". In Full Title, edited by First Name Last Name (s). City: Editorial, Year, pages comprising the article.Carpentier, Alejo. "Latin America in the influence of historical coordinates and its impact on music". In: Latin America in his music, edited by Aretz, Isabel. Mexico: UNESCO and Siglo XXI, 1977. 7-19.
Article in magazine:Surname name. "Article title". Title of the magazine, vol. N ° (year): pages included in the article.Zea, Leopoldo. "The balance of the world and José Martí". American Notebooks New era Vol. 3. No. 99, (2003): 32-44.
Press articleSurname name. ""Article title". Title of the newspaper, City, day and year. Buendía, Jorge. "Pedagogical Orientations", The Right, San Juan de Pasto, 21, August, 1928.
ThesisSurname name. "Thesis title". Undergraduate thesis / Masters / Doctorate in, University, year.Hernández Vega, Gabriela. "Feminist research strategies of political power: gender, race and violence". Doctoral Thesis in Doctorate at Pablo de Olavide University, 2008.
Archive sourcesFull name of the file (acronym), City-Country. Section (s), Fund (s), Municipal Institute Historical Archive of Pasto (I.M.A.H.P.), Colombia-San Juan de Pasto. Pasture Province, f.33. InterviewsInterview with Surname (s), Name, City, full date.Interview with Pérez, Juan, Bogotá, July 1, 2008. Publications on the internetSurname (s), Name, eds. Full title City: Editorial, year. DOI information or URL.Ortiz, Fernando, eds. Cuban Counterpoint of the snuff and the sugar. Caracas: Illustrated, 1987, http: // Id = cfFyshOsPXcC & printsec = frontcover & dq = Contrapunteo + cubano + del + tabaco + y + el + sugar & ei = GcpUS5C3HZ7ozATTqoifCw & cd = 1 # v = onepage & q = & f = false.
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