CALL Nos. 34-35
The History of Colombian Education Magazine edited and endorsed by the University of Nariño, the History, Education and Development Research Group-HISED and the Doctorate in Educational Sciences of the Network of State Universities of Colombia RUDECOLOMBIA, informs the academic community In general, the call for applications for unpublished articles that will make up the edition of Nos. 34-35 of the Magazine.
The themes for these issues are:
- Education of women in Latin America
- Teaching of exact and natural, human and social sciences, art and languages
- Free topic on History of Education in Colombia and/or Latin America
- Free topic on Education, pedagogy and curriculum
- History of education from the perspective of gender, class or race
- Evaluation of learning
- University autonomy
- Pedagogical innovations
- History of the Faculties of Education in Colombia and Latin America
- Science teaching
One of the issues constitutes a special edition dedicated to Science Teaching with the following thematic axes:
- Didactics of the Spanish Language and Literature.
- Didactics of Natural Sciences.
- Didactics of Environmental Education
- Didactics of the social sciences and contexts of teaching Philosophy.
- Didactics of Mathematics.
- Didactics and Rural Contexts.
- Didactics and Conflict Contexts.
- Didactics, ICT and Artificial Intelligence.
- Didactics and Educational Modalities (Distance, hybrid, remote teaching).
- Didactics and Cultural Diversity.
- Didactics of Health Sciences.
- Didactics of the Arts.
- Didactics of Physical Education.
- Didactics of Early Childhood Education
Items are received permanently.
For more information, consult the website or contact us by email:;