Hypotheses formulation from the Pedagogical Practicum transformation





Science teaching, thinking skills, pedagogical practicum, hypotheses formulation


This article presents the preliminary results of the qualitative and descriptive research study entitled "Natural Sciences teaching transformation and Hypotheses formulation reinforcement from fifth grade students in El Rodeo School" carried out in the Master's Degree in Pedagogy Program from La Sabana University.
The research study analyses three cycles of reflection, structured from the PIER cycle (Planning, Intervention, Evaluation and Reflection). The data analysis is supported by recordings, field journals, transcripts, stages of the teacher's professional knowledge and peer evaluation. Furthermore, the study promotes the relevance of the pedagogical reflection around the practicum process to reorganize the teachers’ thought and action inside and outside the classroom in order to positively impact the students’ comprehension and learning.
Some other research studies have been carried out both in the national and international contexts related to science thinking skills, but lack on the formulation of hypotheses about the same phenomena. This is why a research study related to the reinforcement of the latter criteria is so relevant and serves as a contribution for science teachers and the educational community as well.


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How to Cite

Acevedo Andrade, A. J., Barreto Tovar, C. H., & Romero Rincón, Y. N. (2020). Hypotheses formulation from the Pedagogical Practicum transformation. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 24(24), 133–154. https://doi.org/10.22267/rhec.202424.76