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Aproximaciones conceptuales a la escuela y la diversidad


  • Omar Armando Villota Pantoja Universidad de Nariño



education, pedagogy, didactics, diversity, teaching strategies


Conceptual approaches to school and diversity are one of the results of the research process that aims to understand pedagogical practices from the perspective of the diversity of undergraduate students of the Faculty of Education of the University of Nariño and presents epistemological reflections on the relationship that the school has and the diversity of the populations it serves at the basic and secondary educational levels. A documentary review process is carried out around the diversities that inhabit the social microstructures that are present in the classrooms and that, necessarily, must be recognized as such. It is important that teachers, students, administrators, and parents recognize diversity as an opportunity to enhance the capabilities of the human beings who are part of the educational system in our country and thus truly legitimize the concept of inclusion.


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How to Cite

Villota Pantoja , O. A. . (2024). Aproximaciones conceptuales a la escuela y la diversidad. Revista Huellas, 10(1).

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