Return of education in the municipality of Tumaco: A cross-sectional study in 2012


  • Edinson Ortiz Benavides Universidad de Nariño
  • Carlos Manuel Córdoba Segovia Universidad de Nariño
  • Oscar Hernando Benavides Universidad de Nariño


Education, Employment, Income


The returns to education, in terms of income, is a topic that has been extensively studied by the academy since, it is assumed that there is a direct relationship between the number of years of study and the income, other than to acknowledge that education is a factor that contributes to social mobility, labor and politics, among others, of the people. Both the international and national level have been published numerous writings on the subject, however, at the regional level, the literature is scarce, which is the reason why the present work aims, on the one hand, contrasting the compliance of this hypothesis for the municipality of Tumaco (Nariño) and, on the other hand, establish whether education provides greater employment opportunities for the inhabitants of this town. To do this, with data from 220 individuals and 348 homes, taken in the year 2012 and, by applying the model of Mincer, it was possible to establish that an additional year of education increases at approximately 6.74 % the income of the Tumaco´s people. Also, that more years of education do not increase the probability of nding employment in the municipality of Tumaco


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Author Biographies

Edinson Ortiz Benavides, Universidad de Nariño

Magíster en Economía Universidad de Los Andes. Especialista en Finanzas y Economista de la Universidad de Nariño. Profesor Asistente programa de Economía de la Universidad de Nariño. E-mail:

Carlos Manuel Córdoba Segovia, Universidad de Nariño

Doctor en Globalización Económica y Sociedad de la Información. Universidad de Oviedo. Profesor del Departamento de Comercio Internacional y Mercadeo, Universidad de Nariño. E-mail:

Oscar Hernando Benavides, Universidad de Nariño

Magister en Administración de Empresas. Universidad del Valle. Especialización en Finanzas de la Universidad del Valle. Profesor Asociado de Administración de Empresas y Finanzas de la Universidad de Nariño. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Ortiz Benavides, E., Córdoba Segovia, C. M., & Benavides, O. H. (2014). Return of education in the municipality of Tumaco: A cross-sectional study in 2012. Tendencias, 14(2), 55–75. Retrieved from

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