The remote school or 2.0 education reflection against the digital herd


  • Carlos Geovanny Campiño Rojas Universidad de Baja California – México Grupo de Investigación: Educación y postmodernidad



“The Remote Control School or 2.0 Education. A reflection against the digital herd “is the result of a detailed research centered around the postmodern phenomenon and its strategic allied, known as the” information age.” In this order of ideas, and protected under the input of critical pedagogy, we intended to evidence the objects of seduction and demand that they are machined within the postmodern anatomy and educational architecture; partiality Colombia, currently committed to alienating, dismantling and configuring the subjectivity of teachers and students from counterculture influences loaded with cultural hybridization, ephemeral empire of fashion, digital culture and cognitive capitalism. Consequently, a contingency plan is expected to counteract the ideological lures that have penetrated strongly in the educational warp, to the point of creating new logics of power, embedded in the edge of the information age, which threatens to systematically reduce educational establishments in Latin America to the mere consideration of small stories of a liquid and floating nature, condemned to a potential extinction route. Guided by the compass of the educational metamorphosis, it is intended, finally, to respond to the current digital malaise, as well as to prepare the educational community to counteract its intensity and transform the social reality of the contexts vulnerable to its action.

Keywords: Global village, postmodernity, digital culture, homo tecnologicus, globalization, critical pedagogy, cyberculture, E-learning, cognitive capitalism.


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How to Cite

Campiño Rojas, C. G. (2016). The remote school or 2.0 education reflection against the digital herd. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 19(19), 237–252.