Oral Communicative Competence development through the use of role playing and the Communicative Approach
language teaching, oral communicative competence, linguistic competence, role play, communicative approachAbstract
This research article is the result of the study: "Development of the oral production of English through the Communicative Approach in students from the Language Center of Universidad de Nariño in Ipiales", carried out with students of IV level and focused on demonstrating that the implementation of the Communicative Approach (CA) and role-playing favors the students’ oral Communicative Competence (OCC) of English.
By following the guidelines of the qualitative paradigm, the ethnographic approach and the action research that guided the research process, it was possible the identification of the problem which ended and with the narration of stories of the daily life of the city of Ipiales carried out by the students. These productions, which creatively merged the linguistic competence and the communicative competence, were integrated into the booklet English and Culture - Authentic texts, which constitutes an important didactic material that can be used to teach foreign languages based on the experiences, interests and expectations that are part of the students' daily lives. Finally, the study allowed concluding that students' difficulties in expressing themselves orally in a foreign language (EFL) can be reduced through the use of the communicative approach and role playing which, through an exercise of didactic transposition, promotes feelings, sensations and attitudes of security, autonomy, imagination and spontaneity that are evidenced in the students' verbal interactions.
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