History textbooks used for the implementation of the Peruvian educational reform in 1972





textbook, reform in education, history of education, Juan Velasco Alvarado


The purpose of this article is to provide an analysis of history textbooks by identifying the educational transformations that took place after the 1972 educational reform. The Educational Reform of 1972, within the framework of the military-reformist government of Juan Velasco Alvarado (1968-1975), represented the most profound attempt to transform Peruvian education and guide it towards the production of "new men". Peruvian historiography on education has focused on the analysis of its plans and ideas, but there is little knowledge about how it was translated into the classroom. The central argument of this paper is that, by moving out from the realm of lesson planning and into the study of educational materials, it was possible to convey how the reform was partial and failed to translate into books in keeping with the spirit and concepts of the Educational Reform. The conservatism that surrounded the military government, the lack of budget to produce state books and train teachers in their use, and the rapid dismantling that was carried out by the regime that replaced Velasco Alvarado, all were hallmarks that limited the Educational Reform.


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How to Cite

Santistevan, A. (2020). History textbooks used for the implementation of the Peruvian educational reform in 1972. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 25(25). https://doi.org/10.22267/rhec.202525.83