Pedagogía y epistemología en el Teeteto de Platón


  • Blanca Ines Prada Marquez Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS


History ofEducation, Philosophy ofEducation.



In the present article a study ofthe Teetetum is offered, putting our attention in the pedagogical and epistemological teachings  that underlie inside the debates that sustains Plato with the brilliant mathematic youngster Teeteto: intellectual modesty, amazement, necessary timefor deepening, method (Mayeutic) and the difference between opinión (doxa) and science (episteme). Teachings that are valia today as they were yesterday, for all those who desired to ac^uire fundamental knowledge of any kind, and for the teachers that have taken conscience that the real teacher is not the one that transmits knowledge, but the one that helps his students to be the buüders and craftsmen of their own knowledge.


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Como Citar

Prada Marquez, B. I. (2002). Pedagogía y epistemología en el Teeteto de Platón. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 5(5), 124–140. Recuperado de