About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Universidad y Salud Journal is a Spanish four-monthly online publication with continuous frequency. It is published by the Center for Health Studies of the University of Nariño as a means of communication mainly of the knowledge obtained through the development of scientific and technological research via unpublished works on Health Sciences and related topics. Thus, all articles submitted for publication must be original and unpublished, cannot be simultaneously submitted to other journals or editorial bodies and must be sent together with the declaration of no conflict of interests.

Peer Review Process

The article will be published once the referees or evaluators experts in the subject, issue their favorable concept and be approved by the Editorial Committee.

The type of evaluation used by the Journal is double blind, in which the referees do not know the identity of the author and the author does not know the identity of the referees. The Editorial Committee prepares an initial review of the article and decides to return it to the author or send an evaluation by two external referees to the institution and subject experts who meet the requirements required for this purpose. Once you have the two concepts issued by the referees, the Committee analyzes the feasibility of publication of the article. The possible results of this phase can be: acceptance of the article, acceptance with corrections or rejection. The rejection rate of articles submitted to the journal in 2021 was 64,55%.

To settle the cases of controversy, it can be resort to an evaluation by a third arbitrator. This phase can take 4 months.

Publication Frequency

From 2023 it has adopted a continuous publication frequency with three annual issues (January-April, May-August, and September-December) and maintained the online format.

Open Access Policy

 This Journal provides immediate free access to your content under the principle of doing an available research to the public, which encourages a greater exchange of global knowledge information.

The submission of articles, as well as the publication of the articles in the University and Health journal, does not generate any economic cost to the authors.

Declaration of Publication Ethics

The Universidad y Salud Journal (Univ. Salud) is a publication edited by the Center for Health Studies of the University of Nariño (CESUN- UDENAR) that, until 2015 was printed every six months, and since 2016, is now published every four months and online. It is a means of dissemination, principally of the knowledge obtained through the development of scientific and/or technological research, by means of unpublished works on subjects of health sciences and other related topics.

The following ethics statement for publication and good practices in the Univ. Salud. Is based on the "Code of Conduct and Good Practices" defined by the Committee for Ethics in Publications (COPE)[1] by editors of scientific journals and the "Code of Ethics and Declaration of Good Practice" established by the Barcelona Center For International Affairs (CIDOB)[2]. All parties involved in the publication of the journal must accept and respect the ethical principles expressed in this document.

[1] Comité científico para Publicaciones (COPE). Directrices sobre buenas prácticas para publicaciones. Pupulation Council/Fronteras y OMS/HRP 2006. En: https://publicationethics.org/core-practices

[2] Código Ético y declaración de buenas prácticas. CIDOB (Barcelona centre for International afairs) en: http://www.cidob.org/es/content/download/58787/1528691/version/7/file/PLANTILLA%20Afers%20internacionals%20-%20C%C3%B3digo%20%C3%A9tico_CAST.pdf



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