Education as an ethical event: an alternative for the recognition of differences


  • Edwin Giovanni Ordóñez Universidad de Nariño



This article reflects on the recreation of Ethics as a possible condition of educational relationships in response to pedagogical and social perceptions that the teacher holds in terms of differences in the educational process. The methodology is determined by the product of a thesis entitled “The Social Representation of Teachers Regarding Differences in the Classroom,” which is based on a qualitative paradigm with a perspective of hermeneutic and critical analysis in the sense of understanding how teachers, in their practices or speech, are categorically represented to the student in the classroom. In addition, this article seeks how teachers and educational institutions value differences, not from homogenization, but as an ethical event mediated through three courses: the appropriation of the social and cultural conditions of the educational environment; hospitality; and the recognition of their singularities and their diversity.


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How to Cite

Ordóñez, E. G. (2015). Education as an ethical event: an alternative for the recognition of differences. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 18(18), 105–120.