Disability and inclusive education in the social sciences program of the university of Nariño


  • Edgar Guillermo Mesa Manosalva Universidad de Granada
  • Carmen Eugenia Carvajal Palacios Universidad de Nariño




This article is the result of a research carried out at the University of Nariño, in the city of Pasto, with students of the BA teaching program in basic education, with an emphasis on Social Sciences, to assist the population in a situation of disability (decree 146/2012). This research was conducted with the sociocritic qualitative model, action research; the observation, the interview and the workshops were privileged in this study. Fifteen students of the Social Sciences program and teachers registered at the Profesa educational center participated, which became a center of pedagogical and research practice. The analysis of the information was done from the categorical system, to obtain as a result the conceptualisation, the feelings and attitudes towards disability, the educational inclusion, the inclusive education and the training of teachers to attend to people in situations of disability. It was found that at the University of Nariño, the University Wellbeing Office carries out activities, programs and events in support of educational and social inclusion; however, the academic units that train teachers continue the task of training in disability, inclusion and diversity. It was found that the Social Sciences program lacks educational inclusion of people with disabilities, but at the same time, it was found that there is not a cross-section thematic axis to work with this population, a situation that opens the debate against the guidelines on diverse and inclusive education for Higher Education issued by MEN and the Decree 2082/1996


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How to Cite

Mesa Manosalva, E. G., & Carvajal Palacios, C. E. (2016). Disability and inclusive education in the social sciences program of the university of Nariño. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 19(19), 203–220. https://doi.org/10.22267/rhec.161919.20