The The educational reform of 1870 in teacher training and citizenship building




Primary teacher education, public instruction, educational reform, liberal republic


This article analyzes the general principles of the liberal educational reform of the nineteenth century, their application and the impact that the proposed organizational, curricular and pedagogical reforms produced in nineteenth century society. Within the tradition of Colombian education and the transformation of its school institutions, the liberal Reformation was a decisive moment in the progress and transformation of the practices and relationships of the subject with knowledge, the student with the teacher and the citizen with the state. The Reformation of 1870 began the path of teacher training. As the pedagogical principles of the Reformation are reviewed, emphasis is placed on the citizenship-building processes proposed by the liberals, who controlled political power. Additionally, the Conservador Party and the catholic oppositions are highlighted. The liberal educational project ended after the Guerra de las Escuelas and the establishment of conservative Regeneration.


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How to Cite

Castillo, A. (2019). The The educational reform of 1870 in teacher training and citizenship building. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 23(23), 119–137.