The public Magisterium of the city of Santiago de Cuba: training and improvement between 1899 and 1915




Cuba, public education, Normal school, teacher training


From the North American period of occupation in Cuba (1899-1902) constituted a premise for the American forces to impel the public instruction in the Island. With such an end one of the first measures that assumed went to prepare the men and women that would integrate the lines of the magisterial sector. This articulates it approaches which were those first steps in the formation of the teachers to act in the primary instruction, through the territory of Santiago from Cuba in the period from 1899 at 1915. Through the selection of a plentiful information, it is welcomed to the methodology of the historical investigation. It is pursued that it contributes to continue enriching the history of the education, like one of the investigation lines more converged by Cuban historians and of other parts of the world in the last decades.


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How to Cite

Mancebo Céspedes, D. (2020). The public Magisterium of the city of Santiago de Cuba: training and improvement between 1899 and 1915. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 25(25).