An insight on alternative pedagogies: from the diversity pedagogy to the resilient pedagogies within the post-conflict process




Alternative Education, Education and Culture, Education for Peace, Pedagogical Research


This article analyzes alternative pedagogies as an epistemological support for the line of research Pedagogies, peace and resilient populations, within the framework of the Post-erection of the Cundiboyacean Andean Region. The Doctorate in Education Sciences, in CADE, of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica of Colombia (UPTC-Tunja) and the emerging PhD program at the Universidad de Cundinamarca (U. de C.- Fusagasugá) develop this line of research. The central categories addressed are: Pedagogies, Peace and Resilience. From the methodological point of view, the History of Mentalities is taken up again in order to approach the social research. In this sense, and as a result of the research process, it is recommended that the Geomental Pedagogy will be incorporated as part of Alternative Pedagogies, for the study of resilient mental scaffolds in structural time, in order to overcome the social pathologies that induce the mentality of violence.
Regarding the Post-Conflict category, in the sense of the Final Agreement for the end of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace, the Alternative Pedagogies are inspired by epistemological diversity, among which the Epistemologies of the South, the Emerging Paradigm within the Latin American Education History Society (Laehs) (Mora-García, Soto-Arango and Lima Jardilino (2017), and the Indigenous Pedagogies stand out. It is also recommended to delineate the break of the taxes that in the past led to the intellectualization of pedagogical knowledge divorced from social practices; the look at Peace, which is offered, is a peace with a decolonial, emancipatory and lasting sense.


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How to Cite

Mora-García, J. P. (2019). An insight on alternative pedagogies: from the diversity pedagogy to the resilient pedagogies within the post-conflict process. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 22(22), 39–66.