Theoretical reflections on the didactic knowledge of the content (CDC) in natural science teachers in training


  • María Alejandra Narváez Gómez Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia
  • Jordi Solbes Matarredona Universidad de València, España



natural sciences, didactic content knowledge, science didactics, science education, teachers in training


This paper presents theoretical reflections on didactic content knowledge (CDC) that are part of the doctoral research didactic content knowledge on the atomic structure of matter in teachers in training in natural sciences in Colombia. Its objective is to unveil the main theoretical discussions and practical usefulness of the research carried out in this field of knowledge and how, by understanding them, they can contribute to the training processes of natural science graduates. In terms of methodology, a documentary analysis was carried out in two stages, one heuristic and the other hermeneutic, which includes the need to explain how disciplinary knowledge, knowledge of the context, knowledge about the nature of science and didactic knowledge and its configuration in the didactics of science are articulated. One of the main results highlights the fact that both didactic and pedagogical knowledge (which are part of the TOT) are exclusive to the teacher, and have been configured through formal and informal educational processes and practical experiences in the classroom.


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Citar este artículo

Narváez G., María A y Solbes M Jordi. “Reflexiones teóricas sobre el conocimiento didáctico del contenido (CDC) en profesores de ciencias naturales en formación”. Revista Historia de la Educación Colombiana. Vol. 28-29 No 28-29, (2022): 127-161.




How to Cite

Narváez Gómez, M. A., & Solbes Matarredona, J. (2022). Theoretical reflections on the didactic knowledge of the content (CDC) in natural science teachers in training. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 28(28-29), 127–161.