La Cruz High School Educational Institution: eighty years of educational legacy for the benefit of the youth cruceña
Education, development, progress, training; workAbstract
The challenge is raised and it is not minor; the changes are profound and unstoppable and require great calm to be able to analyze them, because the very future of the school and of our society is at stake, thus, education is understood as inevitable for the creation of a truly competitive labor force in the volatile context in which it is immersed. Thus, a starting point is presented as a conflict between two axiological systems, then the new value "competitiveness" should be adopted by school policies, as a pillar of the entire system?
It must be taken into account that today's capitalism is clear that education does not guarantee employment, therefore, it is clear that young people will be prepared for work, where they can produce and create their own companies and generate employment for others. It is also important to see that the state, through the few sources of work that there is, creates a meritocracy where it conditions the competition as an exit to achieve a job for thousands of professional people who seek to enter the labor force.
The challenges of the institution at the regional level are to seek a better educational quality that projects the formation of a comprehensive teacher who proves to be a leader committed to his performance and his contribution to guiding education within the regional context that envisions new alternatives of life and sociocultural projection.
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Citar este artículo
Muñoz B. José O. “Institución Educativa de Bachillerato de La Cruz: ochenta años de legado educativo para beneficio de la juventud cruceña”. Revista Historia de la Educación Colombiana. Vol. 28-29 No 28-29, (2022): 203-221.
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