Teaching the atomic structure of matter in Colombia





Physics Teaching, Basic Standars, Textbook, Quantum Theory


This research article showcases the partial results corresponding to the first hypothesis of the doctoral research called: "Teaching the atomic structure of matter in Colombia". For this purpose, an analysis of the Curricular Guidelines and Basic Standards of Basic Competencies established by the Ministry of National Education and the initial results of the analysis of textbooks used by Colombian teachers in the teaching of this subject are presented. Through the extensive literature review it is possible to conclude that the documents issued by the Ministry of National Education do not make clear and specific reference to the teaching of Quantum Theory and modern or contemporary sciences, leaving the teachers on their own assumptions of such theories and the depth they decide to teach them. On the other hand, textbooks do not show Quantum Theory as a necessary theoretical reference for any didactic unit and there are gaps and conceptual errors as well.


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How to Cite

Solbes Matarredona, J., Muñoz Burbano, Z. E., & Ramos Zambrano, G. E. (2019). Teaching the atomic structure of matter in Colombia. Revista Historia De La Educación Colombiana, 22(22), 117–140. https://doi.org/10.22267/rhec.192222.54